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Picture Gallery
A look inside BSA from officers, members, and events!
Valentine's Service ProjectWe gathered to make cards for the custodial staff and workers of The Bean Armed with markers, glitter, glue and plenty of paper, we made over 150 cards showing our appreciation for the people who make ACU great! | IMG_2875.PNG.jpeg | |
IMG_2874.PNG.jpeg | IMG_2873.PNG.jpeg | Skate NightFirst Semester Skate Night: 90s Throwback |
Skate NightFirst Semester Skate Night: 90s Throwback | Skate NightFirst Semester Skate Night: 90s Throwback | Skate NightFirst Semester Skate Night: 90s Throwback |
Skate NightThanks for an awesome night and a great turnout! | All that 90s SkatenightBSA Officer core rocking with that 90s throwback look | Phantom HC Dance |
Phantom HC Dance | Phantom HC DanceThank you to Wildcat Reign and everyone who came out! It was a blast! | Night at the Apollo TalentshowRap Group: UBA |
Night at the Apollo TalentshowSpoken Word Artist: Tre Byrd | Night at the Apollo TalentshowSpoken Word Artist: Sheila Haines | Night at the Apollo TalentshowSinger: Josie Catalan |
Night at the Apollo TalentshowSinger: Courtney West | Night at the Apollo TalentshowGuitar Duo: Hayley Remenar and Kaitlynd Satterfield | Night at the Apollo TalentshowSpoken Word Artist: Ammie Brooks |
Night at the Apollo TalentshowSinger: Byron Jackson | Night at the Apollo TalentshowSpoken Word Artist: Darren Hagood | Night at the Apollo TalentshowSinging Group: Gabby Thompson, Renique Rodriguez, and Ben Todd |
Night at the Apollo TalentshowShowcase dance team | Night at the Apollo TalentshowShowcase dance team |
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